


Estado de conservación de la herpetofauna del Parque y Reserva Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Argentina



The conservation status of the fauna of amphibians and reptiles of the Nahuel Huapi National Park and Reserve is evaluated in the present work. Fourteen species of amphibians and 11 of reptiles in the study area were considered in the methodology which consists in assessing the degree of conservation of each species through an index made up by 12 survival-related variables (Reca el al. 1994). A list of species ordered according to their conservation indices for Argentina was obtained. The addition of two variables accounting for the particular situation of the species within the study area, allowed the elaboration of another list showing the conservation requirements for the Park and Reserve. Both ordinations are similar. The species in most critical conservation situation are the amphibians Atelognathus nitoi, Batrachyla antartandica, Rhinoderma darwinii, Alsodes gargola, Eupsophus roseus and A. verrucosus and the reptil Tachymenis chilensis. The variables of the greatest influence upon the value of the index are those related to distribution, habitat use and trophic amplitude. The results were compared with conservation evaluations of the same species made by other researchers and institutions. Differences and similitudes between evaluations were detected. Both the index value and its component variables provide an useful tool in making decisions for conservation and management.

Úbeda, C., Grigera, D. & Reca, A. (1994). Estado de conservación de la herpetofauna del Parque y Reserva Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Argentina. Cuadernos de Herpetología, 8 (1), pp. 155-163

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