The continuous growth of the Internet has driven people, all around the globe, to perform transactions on-line, search information or navigate using a browser. As more people feel comfortable using a Web browser, more software companies are trying to alternatively offer Web interfaces to provide access to their applications. The consequent nature of the Web connection and the restrictions imposed by the available bandwidth make the successful integration of Web applications and database systems critical. Because popular data base applications provide a user interface to edit and maintain the information in the database and because each column in the database table maps to a graphic user interface control, the deployment of these applications can be time consuming; appropriate field validation and referential integrity rules must be observed. Thus, an object-oriented approach is proposed to ease the development of applications that involve database systems.
Ledesma, S. et al. (2007). A method to ease the deployment of web applications that involve database systems. Acta Universitaria, 17 (1), pp. 29-38.