


International support for justice reform in Latin America: Worthwhile or worthless?



This paper examines international support for judicial reform in Latin America, exploring several questions. After identifying the key institutional actors and the financial scope of their involvement, the paper reviews some general rationales for international support for judicial reform. It then considers initiatives for reform projects and the generally inadequate diagnoses that ground them. The shortcomings of the strategies pursued are discussed next, followed by some attention to the resulting distorted relationship between national and international actors. The lack of proper evaluations or of a real learning process is also addressed. The paper closes with some final assessments and recommendations. The guiding question throughout is whether international support for judicial reform in Latin America has been worthwhile or worthless, and whether Latin American justice systems are better or worse of because of it.

* Párrafo del texto extraído como resumen.

Pásara, L. (2012). International support for justice reform in Latin America: Worthwhile or worthless?. Woodrow Wilson Center Update on the Americas, pp. 1-32

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